Friday, August 27, 2010


We are headed to the beach this afternoon. I am in serious need of a vacation, but have my doubts on whether this will even be the relaxing week I need. What is it about getting ready for a vacation that stresses me out beyond belief? I have to get all the laundry done so that everyone has clean clothes and diapers (yeah, cloth diapers- more on that later). Then I have to make sure the dishes are done because I don't want dirty dishes sitting in the dishwasher for a week growing who knows what kind of science experiment in there. Then there is the packing for me and the girls. I should do Trenton's packing because he always forgets something important like boxers if I leave it up to him.

Let's not forget the mountain of baby gear that has to go too- stroller, pack and play with changing table attachment, exersaucer (ie- most likely cause of ADD in babies), floor blanket, assortment of toys, and don't forget the baby swing because Georgie refuses to nap anywhere else. I'm pretty sure we need a car three times the size of our current one just to fit the baby stuff. I'm glad Josie has outgrown the baby stuff. I just need to pack some books, some craft supplies like markers and stickers, and her blanket.

So here it is, 10:15 and I've only managed to pack my clothes and Georgie's clothes. Trenton is at work without having picked out a single thing to bring. The next few hours are going to raise my blood pressure I'm sure. Getting in the car won't be any better. Georgie isn't fond of doing anything that we want her to do unless it involves eating. The last 3.5 hour drive to the beach we made took 6 hours and 4 of those involved a screaming baby. Hopefully this trip will be easier.

When I get back, I'm sure I'm going to need a vacation from my vacation.

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