Monday, July 26, 2010

Introducing Josie & Georgie!

I grew up with a mother that stayed home with my sister and I, but I never wanted that for myself. Don't get me wrong, I think there are so many benefits to the child of a parent who can stay home; I just never considered that for my family. After college I began my career in real estate as a builder rep during the boom time and loved it. The life of a new homes sales agent is a far cry from my life as a stay at home mom due to the recession. Gone are the days of fancy cars and designer handbags. Instead I find myself driving to preschool and carrying the biggest diaper bag known to man. My morning time is no longer spent on deciding which accessory I'll pair with my trendy outfit. Instead, I'm searching for a shirt that isn't too wrinkled and covered with spit up.

Josie, our 2.5 year old, is always keeping us busy. After a super easy pregnancy and normal delivery, we were blessed with an easy-going baby with fair hair. She continues to be a fairly easy toddler despite the occasional two year old tantrums. She'll talk your ear off if you let her. Georgie is our newest addition at just 3 months old. She has been different from the start. A miserable pregnancy led to the lightning fast delivery of our dark haired little girl. Easy is not part of our vocabulary anymore when it comes to her. Reflux, a tongue-tie, and sleep issues have kept us on our toes.

I certainly have my fair share of struggles from day to day, but I'm thankful for my family.

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