Thursday, July 29, 2010

Sleepless Nights

Maybe we're already headed for a sibling rivalry. Georgie seems to want to prove to us that she is so different from her sister. Josie was an almost perfect baby in the sleep department. She started sleeping long stretches almost immediately so I only had to wake up once a night for her. At 10 weeks old, Josie was sleeping all night and it was easy to put her down for bed. Miss Georgie must hate to sleep. She's always been one to wake up twice a night, but the last week has been so different. I've had to get up three and four times to feed and then hold her, rock her, or walk around with her until she stops crying. Well, Trenton is doing most of the holding/rocking/walking after feedings. He's been so helpful at night so that I can catch an hour of sleep here and there at night.

It's obvious that Georgie is in pain, so now I need to play detective to figure out what I'm eating that's causing the problem. Oh the joys of breastfeeding! Totally worth it though.

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